

Happy Birthday Maggie Holmes

Did you know today is the wonderful Maggie Holmes' birthday??  It sure is and her Design Team has created a fun surprise for her on her special day!!  

Each of her DT members put together a sweet little gift for Maggie and mailed it the old fashioned way!  I had so much fun putting my birthday surprise together for her and I hope she enjoyed opening it as much as I enjoyed making it!

I gave this quite a bit of thought and decided I wanted to some kind of "birthday in a box".  I created this birthday in a box for my daughter's fifth birthday, but it was kind of big and bulky.  I wanted something smaller and more delicate for Maggie!  Then I stumbled upon a pretty antique jar and knew it would be the perfect starting point for my "happy birthday jar"!  It was so cute, I almost had a hard time mailing it to Maggie!!

To decorate the jar, I made a few small tags and attached them to the jar using twine.  I also wrapped a small piece of ribbon around the lid to give it a little more feminine feel.

So are you wondering what's in this sweet little jar??

It's nothing too fancy, but it definitely screams happy birthday!!
In Maggie's jar, I included a few candles, nail polish, lip gloss and some pretty pens.  Since I was mailing this jar, I included lots of ruffled crepe paper and tulle to keep the items from tapping against the glass.

Isn't that a fun little surprise??

Happy birthday, Maggie!!  I hope you have a wonderful day full of cake and laughter!!  Oh...and be sure to stop by the rest of the Maggie Holmes' Design Team to see what they put together for her!!  You can click on their blogs below!  


  1. Oh, she will be so thrilled! What a lovely idea

  2. Das sieht wirklich toll aus !
    Ein wunderschönes Geschenk ! :)
    Liebe Grüße, Katrin

  3. Thank you so so much! I loved opening this and love every little thing about it! You guys are so sweet and I feel so loved today!! I have the best team ever! Xoxox
