


a dabble in digital...

i have always loved playing around in photoshop, but never really took the plunge with stamping brushes and creating digital backgrounds.

with the excitement of the upcoming toolbox class at studio calico, i decided to try out a few techniques.  and it was so fun!

i don't have the ability to print out 12x12 images or paper, so all of these are printed at 8x8.  but.....if i ever do get my hands on a 12x12 printer, i think i definitely will be doing more hybrid pages.

here's a look at my dabbling... 

fun, huh?

do you ever play around with digital brushes??  it was really fun to see the page kind of "come together" on the computer before printing it out and finishing it.



  1. Really gorgeous pages - I love the washed out and tone on tone colouring.

  2. LOVE both of these pages!! I'm so ready to try my hand at some digi backgrounds, too!
