


gossamer blue: life pages kit & project life: week 27

i am still tickled pink that i'm a part of the gossamer blue life pages design team.  lori gentile, the owner of gossamer blue, goes above and beyond in her kits each month and this new life pages kit is just so awesome!

i mean...look at all of that goodness.  so many journaling and filler cards!!  and the embellishments and stamps are the icing on the cake!

take a peek...

i created two project life spreads and one special project using this kit and the other gossamer blue kits.  here is a look at my week 27 of project life using the main life pages kit only...

this is the week of july fourth.  we were at my sister-in-laws lake house most of the week with all of my  husband's family.  since it rained most of the week i didn't end up with too many photos, but filling in pockets with journaling and words works for me too!  

here is a better look at each side and a few detail shots...

so fun, right? 

the life pages kits are awesome!!  
thanks so much for visiting me today!!  i'll be back later next week to share my other PL spread, as well as my special project!

happy friday!


  1. Love your PL style Stephanie! How long does it take you to make a PL spread? it looks like you stitched over the protector too, did I see that right?

    1. Thanks Raquel!! It usually takes me about an hour, but that's not counting printing out my photos. Sometimes it comes together super fast and other days it seems like I go back and forth a lot. I think it depends on how many pictures I have. The more, the better for me! And yep! I stitch right on my page protectors!! xox

  2. Wow, these are amazing! Thanks for the inspiration, I'm working on the beginning of my album and keep getting stuck :)

  3. Amazing spreads :) Your PL is so inspiring!
