


Two Peas in a Bucket: Project Life - May

I had a new Project Life spread up at Two Peas in a Bucket this past weekend!  This spread covers the first few days of May when we went to visit my brother in Virginia Beach.  I knew I wanted to use a big photo for this week, and I just can't pass up a blown up beach photo.

The right side of the spread has the large photo, which I divided up in Photoshop and printed as 4x6 photos.  I cut with the "you are my fave" title with the Silhouette and then added in over the photo in one pocket.  I love how you can still see the ocean through the words!

The left is your typical photo, calendar, journaling cards.  Small little embellishments like paperclips, stars, tags and stitching add the best finishing touches, I think!

Ahh....hello beach.  You really are my fave.

1 comment:

  1. Can almost feel the sea breeze... a wonderful reminder of your trip.
