


Memory Planner: June 2015

Well, June sure did come and go in a flash.  I knew it would be quick since our summer is shorter now (because Anna is in year-round school), but wow!  I swear it feels like June just begun.

Anyhoo...on to July we go, so I thought I would share a look at June in my Memory Planner!  This planner is still the bees knees to me.  I love adding in bits and pieces of everyday life, as well as my to-do lists, thoughts, quotes, etc..

There really is no rhyme or reason to my pages.  Sometimes I work on them in advance (if I know we have certain events on certain days - like swim team, etc..) and then sometimes I work on it throughout the month.

Add in stamps, washi and stickers is super fun - but adding in photos of our week is still my favorite! I think this planner has become kind of like an ongoing-work in progress-mini album.

The July Planner kit from Studio Calico got LOTS of use this month!  Love the washi and those cute little paper flags! Perfect for adding in notes and details!

And of course, some type of collage HAD to make an appearance in my planner.  I wonder if I will ever tire of collages??  Doubtful...

The days of the week notepad from the A Beautiful Mess Happy Mail a few months back is such a lifesaver for super busy weeks!  Sometimes it feels like everyone is going in a different direction and being able to have ONE visual of the week is super cool.  It might be a little redundant, but it is definitely very helpful!

And that's a look at June.  July is well underway right now and my month is already pretty full!  I'll be back to share a look at those finished pages in a few weeks!!

Are you still addicted to your planner??  I sure am!

1 comment:

  1. I so want to do a memory planner but I think my main planner is so messy. I am intimated by the memory planner like do I want to know my to do list and grocery list years from now? Maybe I do? I can't decide. Regardless of my rambling - I love yours!!!!
