


Around Here

Today is our last Friday of summer. BOTH of my kids start back school on Monday and it's quite possible I will have a mental breakdown next week. I love year-round school, but the summers always seem to come and go so quickly. I have loved every single minute of our summer (minus a few sicknesses here and there that I could have totally done without....). I love having my babies home and as you can probably tell from our photos, we are total homebodies. I mean, it's pretty bad. All four of us would prefer to stay at home and just hang out than do just about anything else in the world. I hope your summer has been fantastic so far!!  I'm hoping to pop onto this little old blog more now that I will be bored out of my mind...I mean, I will have more free time!!
Happy Friday, friends!


  1. How lovely to get this glimpse into your beautiful world! Our kids here break up for the summer today - though the forecast is not looking great... doubtful there'll be such lovely suntans here ;)

  2. I love your pictures. They are so beautiful. Great memories.
    I really need a white wall here with us. Pretty bad that this seems to be impossible.
    Unfortunately our summer is not so good so far. It was raining a lot. But we are happy and love to stay at home too.
