

March Project Life Album: Part I

Three months - three Project Life albums.  And yep! I still love this new process.  It's been so fun to mix things up each month, think outside of the box with my supplies and just have fun.  I've used stamps more than I EVER have in my life and they are my new fave.  

For my March Project Life album, I had originally planned to try out the 6x12 size.  I'm obsessed with Kelly Purkey's amazing 6x12 album.  Her photos are gorgeous, the large photos rock and it's just plain awesome.  But I couldn't do it.  I couldn't make that size work for me.  I couldn't figure out a base or cover and then from there, I just felt lost.  I decided to look through my collection o'albums (come on, we all have one, right?), and I pulled out Ali's Week in the Life album that I never got around to using!

The format is very similar to a 6x8 album with just a few different sized page protectors.  And after this month, I totally see why people LOVE the 6x8 size.  It's fun, it's easy and it's so versatile!!

My book contains more of the same ideas I've included for the previous months - full spread photos, large photos, stamped quotes, artwork and extras!  It's just an album full of love and memories!

You can read more about this album over on the Studio Calico blog today!!  I also put together a quick little walk through video of my album so far.  

I used lots of the Odyssey kits for these pages - both the scrapbook and Project Life kits!!  And of course, those Laina alpha stamps (including the digital ones)!

I have more pages from my March album to share with the April Lisse Street kits from Studio Calico!!  I'll be back with more soon!!  


  1. Beautiful PL pages. Thank you for shared your album.

  2. As always, love seeing your albums!

  3. I love it!!!!!!!!!! I love that you make a video too! Watching it now!

  4. How do you print your photos is all the different. Sizes? I have the hardest time printing photos other than 4 x 6

  5. No me canso de mirar tus PL, cada uno de ellos es diferente del anterior, y de todos aprendemos mucho. Me gustaría saber, que sellos utilizas para poner en los bolsillos, nº1, nº2 y nº3, queda muy bonito.
    Gracias y un abrazo desde Barcelona
